Събиране и изваждане до 20

Събиране и изваждане до 20

1 клас
  Try it out
  • Slide image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Pick the correct location on this image
  • Едноцифрени числа
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
    Двуцифрени числа
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
  • Image for quiz
    Пепи има 8 колички. Подарили му още 6. Колко колички общо има Пепи?
    15 колички
    2 колички
    14 колички
  • Image that adds addition information to an open question
    Мими начертала отсечка с дължина 8 см. Ема начертала с 4 см по-дълга отсечка. Колко сантиметра е отсечката на Ема?
    • "12см"
    • "12"
  • Slide image
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